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How to Pay Back Your CEBA Loan in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

The Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) has been a crucial lifeline for Canadian businesses throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It has provided interest-free loans to eligible businesses, offering vital financial support during challenging times. As we enter 2023, many businesses may be wondering how to pay back their CEBA loans. In this blog, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to manage the repayment of your CEBA loan in 2023.

Understanding Your CEBA Loan

Before delving into the details of loan repayment, it’s essential to understand the specifics of your CEBA loan:

Loan Amount: The maximum loan amount under CEBA is $60,000.

Interest-Free Period: CEBA loans are interest-free as long as you meet the loan forgiveness conditions.


Loan Forgiveness: CEBA offers the potential for loan forgiveness. To qualify, you need to repay 75% of the loan by a specific date. If you meet this requirement, a portion of your loan will be converted into a non-repayable grant.

Repayment Period: The loan agreement specifies the repayment period, which was initially until the end of 2022. However, the exact repayment deadline depends on the loan disbursement date.

Updated Repayment Terms in 2023

In 2023, several changes have been implemented to extend the repayment terms and provide businesses with more flexibility:

Revised Repayment Deadline: The government has extended the CEBA repayment deadline to December 31, 2023. This extension offers businesses more time to manage their loan repayments.

Loan Forgiveness Threshold Extended: The deadline for achieving the loan forgiveness threshold, which requires repaying 75% of the loan, has also been extended. You now have until December 31, 2023, to meet this requirement.

Interest-Free Extension: The extension of the repayment deadline means that the interest-free period has also been prolonged. As long as you meet the forgiveness threshold by the new deadline, you won’t incur any interest charges on the loan.

Reviewing Your Loan Agreement

Before proceeding with loan repayment, it’s crucial to review your CEBA loan agreement. Pay close attention to the terms and conditions specified in the agreement, including the exact repayment deadline, the forgiveness threshold, and any other pertinent details.

Planning Your Repayment Strategy

As you prepare to pay back your CEBA loan in 2023, consider the following factors:

Assess Your Financial Situation: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of your business’s financial health. This includes reviewing your cash flow, revenue projections, and available resources.

Budgeting: Create a detailed budget that outlines your income and expenses. Ensure that your budget accounts for the CEBA loan repayment and other financial obligations.

Loan Forgiveness Threshold: To benefit from the loan forgiveness feature, you must repay 75% of the loan by December 31, 2023. Evaluate your progress toward meeting this threshold.

Interest Charges: If you don’t meet the forgiveness threshold, you may incur interest charges on the remaining balance of your loan. Consider this when planning your repayment strategy.

Cash Reserves: Assess your available cash reserves and consider whether you can allocate these funds toward your CEBA loan repayment.

Financial Advisors: Seek advice from financial advisors or accountants who can help you create a customized repayment plan based on your unique financial situation.

Repayment Options

When it comes to repaying your CEBA loan in 2023, you have several options to consider:

Lump Sum Payment: You can choose to make a lump sum payment to repay the entire loan at once, thus meeting the loan forgiveness threshold.

Regular Installments: If making a lump sum payment is not feasible, you can opt for regular installments. Make monthly or quarterly payments to meet the forgiveness threshold by December 31, 2023.

Combination Approach: Some businesses may choose a combination of lump sum and regular installment payments. This strategy can help them meet the forgiveness threshold while managing their cash flow.

Seeking Additional Financing: If your business faces challenges in meeting the loan repayment, you might explore the option of seeking additional financing or refinancing to cover the CEBA loan.

Monitoring Loan Forgiveness

Loan forgiveness is a significant feature of CEBA, and it can substantially reduce your overall repayment obligations. To achieve loan forgiveness, make sure to:

Regularly Monitor Your Progress: Keep track of your loan repayments to ensure you are on track to meet the 75% repayment threshold by December 31, 2023.

Maintain Accurate Records: Maintain meticulous financial records, including all CEBA loan-related transactions, to demonstrate your compliance with the forgiveness conditions.

Seek Professional Advice: If you have questions or uncertainties about the forgiveness process, consider consulting with financial advisors or accountants who can provide guidance.

The Importance of Professional Guidance

Navigating the CEBA loan repayment process in 2023 can be complex, depending on your business’s unique financial situation. Seeking professional guidance is highly recommended. Financial advisors and accountants can provide tailored insights to help you create a repayment plan aligned with your business goals and financial capabilities.


Paying back your CEBA loan in 2023 is a critical financial task for many Canadian businesses. With the extended repayment terms and forgiveness opportunities, businesses have the flexibility to manage their repayment strategy effectively. Review your loan agreement, assess your financial situation, and create a repayment plan that aligns with your business’s goals. Seeking professional guidance is a valuable resource to ensure you make informed decisions during this process. CEBA has been a lifeline for many businesses, and a well-planned repayment strategy can help you navigate the final stages of the program with confidence and financial stability

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