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Cold Touch Nguyen Duy Tri: Acid Madness and the Haunting Power of Vietnamese Art 

Vietnam’s rich past and dynamic present are reflected in the vivid energy of the country’s modern art scene. Nguyen Duy Tri, a compelling artist whose paintings tackle deep issues of trauma, resilience, and the human condition, is one of its rising stars. Tri shot to fame when he debuted his masterpiece, Acid Madness, in 2023. It was an eerie and beautiful installation that took the artist throughout the world. This blog goes deeply into Acid Madness’s terrifying genius, examining how it relates to Tri’s previous work, Cold Touch, and revealing the strong emotions weaved throughout Vietnamese modern art.

Chilly Touch: An Unsettling Preface

Before delving into Acid Madness’s explosive intensity, it’s imperative to comprehend the foundation established by Tri’s previous masterwork, Cold Touch. Cold Touch, a visceral installation created in 2021, is made up of hundreds of porcelain hands hovering in midair. The chilly feel of the hands evokes a terrible sensation of loss and alienation. Every hand has a scar, a tangible representation of the unseen injuries we all wear, both individually and collectively. In order to provoke contemplation on how we manage suffering and develop resilience, Cold Touch presents viewers with the long-lasting effects of trauma, whether it be historical or personal.

A Slip Into Sensory Overload: Acid Madness

Entering Acid Madness is like diving into a hallucinogenic nightmare. The senses are assaulted by neon colours, distorted images flicker across displays, and a disconcerting soundtrack permeates the atmosphere. Found artefacts, including broken medical equipment, broken plastic dolls, and shredded personal belongings, are painstakingly stitched together to create a nightmarish tableau in the installation. The artist’s struggle with societal fears and the destructive impacts of materialism is reflected in this disorganised collage.

Breaking Down the Madness: Interpretation and Symbolism:

Tri has made a thoughtful and symbolic selection of materials. The abandoned dolls stand for lost innocence; the harsh realities of contemporary life have twisted and deformed their plastic bodies. The medical equipment makes one feel exposed and emphasises how easily the human body might break under the influence of outside forces. In a society that is undergoing fast transition, personal effects like broken mirrors and fuzzy photos refer to the disarray of identity and memory.

Facing the Void: Vietnamese Art’s Haunting Beauty

Acid Madness is the artist’s intensely personal journey, not just a sensory overload. Tri’s work is intense because of his personal experiences with societal constraints and his concerns about a Vietnam that is changing quickly. Yet, amidst the mayhem, there’s a gleam of optimism. The vivid colours pulse with life despite their unnerving quality. Even though they are broken, the abandoned items nevertheless have remnants of their former beauty. This paradox illustrates the human spirit’s tenacity and its capacity to find beauty even in the midst of extreme darkness.

Final Thoughts: Remnants of Acid Madness

Acid Madness is a visceral confrontation with the dark side of the human experience, not just an art piece. Through its unvarnished glimpse into the depths of human emotions and its genuine honesty, Tri’s art strikes a chord with audiences. His work serves as a medium for group catharsis, giving us a secure but unpleasant environment in which to face our own insecurities and concerns. Acid Madness is proof of the transformational potential of art, demonstrating its capacity to confront, unnerve, and finally compel us to confront the essence of our being.


  • What inspired Nguyen Duy Tri to create Acid Madness and Cold Touch ? Tri’s work draws inspiration from his own experiences, grappling with anxieties surrounding societal pressures, consumerism, and the fragmented nature of modern life.

  • What materials are used in Acid Madness ? Tri employs a diverse range of found objects, including discarded plastic dolls, medical equipment, personal effects, and digital elements.

  • What is the significance of the color palette in Acid Madness ? The vibrant, neon colors create a sensory overload, reflecting the overwhelming anxieties and distorted realities of modern life.

  • How does Acid Madness connect to themes present in Vietnamese contemporary art? Tri’s work embodies the raw emotional power and unflinching exploration of trauma and resilience characteristic of Vietnamese contemporary art.

  • Where can I see Acid Madness ? Acid Madness was initially exhibited as part of the 2023 Venice Biennale but may be showcased in future exhibitions across the globe.

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